
Video Listening Excercises

Students have scripts and listen to video clips and try to fill in the blanks on their scripts.

I made this for my third grade JHS students.
Give students scripts of the videos you want to go over. These script worksheets will have blank spaces for students to listen and fill in during the video. You can choose to let them read the script first and then play the videos, watch the videos first and then work on the worksheet. Whichever your teacher prefers, this is just to try and make listening exercises a bit more fun even if there are lots of words students may not know.

YouTube Video sources
Up – Russel on the Porch
[Up Russell on porch Full hd]

The Amazing Spider-Man – High School life
[Peter Parker vs Flash - High School Life - The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) Movie CLIP HD]

Spider-Man; Homecoming
["Call Me Spider-Man" - Suit Up Scene - Stan Lee Cameo - Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Movie CLIP HD]

Mickey Mouse Cartoon - No Service
[No Service | A Mickey Mouse Cartoon | Disney Shows]

Flushed! | A Mickey Mouse Cartoon | Disney Shorts
[Flushed! | A Mickey Mouse Cartoon | Disney Shorts]

Snoopy's Family Reunion
[Snoopy's Family Reunion]

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 3rd Grade Listening WS alt.docx (1.37 MB)
  • 3rd Grade Listening Answer Key alt.docx (1.32 MB)
  • 28
    Submitted by kirbystar February 8, 2023 Estimated time:
    1. imkrn February 15, 2023

      good idea!

    2. msbanana February 20, 2023

      Impressive idea! thank you for sharing!

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