
Urashimataro Digital Story

PowerPoint Digital story with BGM and gifs

This is a digital story of Urashimataro I made for ES 3rd and 4th graders. This digital story has animations, BGM, and read out-loud text bubbles and narrations.
You can click slide by slide to go from scene to scene. However, please wait for the animation to play before clicking to the next slide. Otherwise, the animation won't play correctly. I recommend practicing this digital story beforehand.

This digital story is 30 slides long and approximately 15 minutes. I've added cute and sad BGM along with Gifs to make this story feel more like an animation.

The original ending of Urashimataro is that Urashimataro becomes an old man. However, I've decided to take it a step further by turning him into bones, and then he dies. Then, Urashimataro turns into a ghost and flies up to heaven where he can be with his mother. It's quite a sad and happy ending as oppose to the original ending of him turning into an old man. If you don't like this ending, feel free to delete those additional slides.

Caution! At the second to the last slide, I've added Urashimataro theme song that goes into the last slide with the credit roll. If, you delete those slides, you won't have the theme song and the credit roll.

Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • urashimataro.pptx (52.6 MB)
  • 52
    Submitted by Agenius5 February 16, 2023 Estimated time: 10 minutes
    1. UonumaRobert February 16, 2023


    2. nZagreb February 16, 2023

      Urayamashi Taro!

    3. Metapod February 16, 2023

      This wonderfully made! This will be in my collection for the end of the year once the textbook finishes up, great work

    4. ChetBorneo February 16, 2023

      this is incredible! great job.

    5. VinShida February 17, 2023

      This is very well done. I've seen images and heard mentions of this story but never really heard/read it until now. What a messed up story! Is there a moral??? Xp

      Don't try to save animals. Don't accept other's hospitality. Never open your presents... (x_x;)

    6. Nisemono February 20, 2023

      @VinShida In the story, Urashimataro is invited to the dragon palace where he ends up staying for a very long time because of all the parties and food. He loses track of time and when he remembers his mother, he returns home to find that he spent way too much time at the palace and that all his loved ones passed away. One of the main morals of this story is no matter what kind of fortune you run into, to not forget where you came from. And also yes. Never open your presents :)

    7. Agenius5 February 20, 2023

      VinShida, thank you for your feedback. There isn't a moral to the story that I know of. This is just a beloved traditional Japanese story remade into English.

    8. robertsbp February 20, 2023

      This is so incredibly well made! I love all the animations, they really give the impression of an animated story.

      But the story itself is so sad!! TuT Like bro didn't do anything wrong, he just wanted to help a turtle

      But thank you nonetheless, wonderful job!!!

    9. kusobaba February 20, 2023

      Really great job! Thanks for sharing.

    10. xxjanism February 21, 2023

      Had lots of fun clicking through!
      I think maybe I could have students "act it out," one can play Urashimataro and the others can take turns with the other roles (:

      Thank you so much! Incredible job c:

    11. taliwah February 21, 2023

      This is wonderfully crafted, I can't wait to use this in class as the school year comes to a close!

    12. Reiji February 22, 2023

      Thanks for the hard work, this is great. I`ll use with the classes that have finished their textbooks already.

    13. Santhushi February 24, 2023

      This is such an amazing animation. So much great effort has been put into making it. I used this with my 5th graders too and they loved it.

    14. fukutanisan March 1, 2023

      I am speechless!! This is beatiful!

      I did notice a typo tough, "its* family" on slide 19

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