Thank you for oceanwave for their 'Guess Who Level Up' Activity and rebvandev for their original 'Guess Who' Activity!
- Print a copy for every student (I have also added a word file so you can edit the document if you like).
- Hand out a worksheet to each student.
- Make sure to do the activity with the JTE as an example.
- Get into pairs. Each person will choose one of the characters on their sheet, but won't say it out loud.
- Then the pair plays janken, the winner will ask the first question and their partner will answer.
- Then it's the partners turn to ask a question.
- They keep asking questions, trying to figure out who their partner chose.
- Once one person thinks they know, they are 'Are you ______?'.
- The first person to guess correctly wins!
- Have them play for around 5 minutes. If they finish a game, they can start another one.
This is great, I love it! Do you have a colour version available? Thank you :)
This is a fantastic activity, thank you!
Thanks so much! @nkeyalt I've just uploaded the colour version :)
Thank you very much @Silverflower18 ! Appreciate it! :)
Thank you for this activity! I used it in my classes. My students are shy, so they practiced in groups first. After everyone had a chance to go (~10 min) they stood up and walked around the room, practicing with anyone in pairs. The students had a blast and the JTE was impressed that it used all 3 grammar points. It's great!
Thank you very much . THis is great.