
It is _______ for _____ to _____ points game

A simple powerpoint game with corresponding worksheet for JHS New Horizon 3rd grade Unit 3 scene 1.

This is an activity to practice "It is ______ for ____ to ____." from New Horizon 3 Unit 3 scene 1. It's best for early practice of this grammar point.

First go through the examples on the powerpoint to familiarize the students with the grammar point. Then pass out the papers and explain that they will fill out the worksheet as you go through the powerpoint as a class. Students should choose the answer that best fits them and their feelings or opinions, and they can only choose one answer.

How to do the activity.
1. Have the students read the sentence and all answer options together.
2. Students write their answer on the worksheet.
3. Click on the answer boxes to reveal how many points each answer is worth. +1, +2, or -1.
4. Students write their points on the worksheet.

When you have gone through all 10 questions have the students count up their points and see who has the highest score. If you have extra time to kill, you can have the students say some of their sentences to a partner.

Small files
  • 3-3.1 WS.pdf (47.2 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 3-1 It is _ for_ to ppt.pptx (17.4 MB)
  • 46
    Submitted by snowyLauren June 26, 2023 Estimated time: 25 minutes
    1. JackyKillian1701 June 27, 2023

      Thanks for making this. This should be some good practice and fun for the students.

    2. deedeek July 5, 2023

      My students ATE THIS UP! Thanks for making it, it was super enjoyable!

    3. VioletStein June 27, 2024

      Great activity! Note - on the worksheet question 9 should say 'It is expensive...' instead of 'It is difficult...'

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