
I want infinitive Connect 4

Students play in pairs saying sentences, trying to get 4 circles in a row.

This is a worksheet for New Horizon 3rd grade Unit 3 part 2 to practice "I want (someone) to ___________." I asked my JTE what famous people the students would know so I used her suggestions of Yama-chan and Suzu Hirose, but feel free to make your own versions with other people.

How to play:
1. Break students into pairs. I plan to give each person a WS but they will play on the same WS. If someone wins the game quickly they can play on the other WS.
2. The students need to grab different colored writing utensils (i.e. blue highlighter vs. red pen). This is so each player knows which circles are theirs. They could also write a different shape instead, but I wrote circle on the WS.
3. Play rock, paper, scissors to decide who will play first.
4. First player says the sentence "I want ~ to ~." (i.e. "I want my teacher to drive us to the mall." then they draw a circle in the square where the two phrases meet.
5. Repeat, until one student has gotten 4 circles in a row. This can be horizontal, up-and-down, or diagonal.

This will be my first time playing in pairs, but I've played many times with group vs group in my smaller ES classes. The students love strategizing how to stop the other team so I imagine in pairs it will also take a while for someone to win or end in a draw.

Small files
  • 3-3.2 Connect 4.pdf (66.1 KB)
  • 8
    Submitted by snowyLauren July 5, 2023 Estimated time: 15-25 minutes
    1. atomaki July 20, 2023

      I have been searching for an activity for this particular grammar point for some time now and this looks perfect! Thank you for sharing.

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