
July English Board

English Board materials (calendar, song of the month, trivia, news story, vote for the month, Canada Day)

I wanted to get this up sooner but I underestimated how long making this one would take.

There's the usual pages like the trivia, why July is named July, the song of the month, a news story, vote for the month (kept it simple, burgers vs pizza), moon trivia, and a calendar (I have 2 versions, one filled with various events and one blank in case you wanted to fill it yourself!). I also included the headers for the news story and song of the month.

Because I am Canadian, I focused on Canada day. So the majority of this board is focused around that. I found some of the common foods from each province and territory and made little snippets about them and I added some pictures from around Canada. I also chose the song for the month based on the fact that Shawn Mendes is from Canada, and I thought the song had a nice message.

Information for the board came from these two sites like usual, and then a bunch of various Canadian travel sites and recipe sites.

If there are any grammar, spelling or formatting issues please let me know!

Thank you everyone for your kind comments on the previous months! I'm glad to hear that you guys find my material useful.

I added a photo of my board for this month. I only use a small board, so I'm not sure how helpful it will be.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • July News Story. Bees and Balls.pdf (3.65 MB)
  • July English Board general.pdf (12.4 MB)
  • July English Board canada pictures.pdf (17 MB)
  • July English Board canada.pdf (23.7 MB)
  • July English Board Photo.jpg (2.91 MB)
  • 26
    Submitted by ch_armander July 7, 2023 Estimated time:
    1. hnnhdwn July 7, 2023

      These are always life saving! The Canadian food section is great. I'm Albertan and had no idea ginger beef was from Calgary!

    2. Nisemono July 10, 2023

      it is not an understatement to say that i rely on your english boards. appreciative as always for your hardwork and im so sorry for shamelessly using your creativity month after month lol

    3. SurfingKoala35 July 13, 2023

      Heh, I gotta say I second Nisemono's sentiments. Your efforts are brilliant and I am mad jealous of your board. It has wheels! Thats soo handy!

    4. sbauder July 13, 2023

      As a fellow canadian, thank you ^^
      i turned the canadian food portion into a poster and survey.
      Honestly some foods on there i wasn’t familiar with so i also learned somethings ^^

    5. sbauder July 13, 2023

      out of curiosity what programme do you use to make your boards? i’m trying to figure out the most efficient way to add japanese above my english text

    6. ch_armander July 13, 2023

      @sbauder I just use Canva! It's easy to use, and I prefer it over Word or anything else for making worksheets and other documents.

      Thank you everyone! I'm glad that you guys find them useful. Honestly I learned a lot making this board too, so many foods that I didn't know before I started making it.

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