
Ready For Speech

Make public speaking and introductions fun.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Raymond Calla on April 13, 2008.


  • Students, you, and space to move around


Have students stand up and form a line behind you at the back of the class, much like the way you would line up for ‘Follow the Leader’. If you have a big class, make several lines.
There are several steps to preparing the students for this activity. Each of these steps start by you demonstrating the step and then having the student at the front of the line(s) mimic it and then run to the back of the line and the next student in the line must do the action. Action continues until the original student is back to the front of the line.
The steps are as follows:

  • Spread your legs shoulder-length apart, and from the waist up, lean backwards as if you were a powerful speech presenter.
  • Repeat step I. Then, hold out one palm, make a fist with your other hand, and pound your palm with your fist as if you were a firm, tough presenter!
  • Repeat step I & II. Then, next raise an index finger in the air as if you were making a supreme declaration, and then suck in a big breath of air. Just as students are expecting you to say something, disappoint them and do nothing.
  • Repeat steps I, II & III. Then, firmly declare, “My name is…”


Without explanation, I typically continue the exercise a few more times building with "I'm (age)", and "I live in (place)". By the end, students approach the front, do the motions, and say "I'm (name), I'm (age), and I live in (place).


  • Depending on the class attention span and number of students per line, this may drag a bit. However, creating more lines might solve this drag.

概要: 演説することと自己紹介することを楽しくてします。


  • 生徒と先生と広い場所


”Follow the Leader" 大将ごっこゲームのように生徒は先生の後ろで一列に立たれる。大きいクラスがあれば、いくつかの列を作る。


  • 説得力のある人ように肩の広さで両脚を開けて、腰の上から後ろに傾く。
  • Step Aを繰り返す。次に、1つの手のひらを持ちこたえて、他の手で拳を作って、あたかもあなたが堅くタフな司会者かのように、拳を備えた手のひらを連打してください
  • Step A とBを繰り返す。次に、最高の宣言をするように人差し指をあげて、深い気を吸う。生徒は先生に何かを言うことを思っている時、生徒を失望させる時何もしない。
  • Step AとBとCを繰り返す。そして、しっかりと"My name is ~"を宣言する。


  • 説明しないで”I'm (年齢)と I live in (住所)” でこの アクティビティーを続けてします。 最後に生徒は前に”I'm (名前). I'm (年齢). I live in (住所)" を完璧な自己紹介をします。


  • 生徒の注意特続時間と列に生徒が何人によってつまらなくなるかもしれません。 しかし、多くの列を使ったらその問題を解決します。
Submitted by Englipedia Archive April 15, 2019 Estimated time: 15-30 min

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