
Snake Game - Hello/Hi

Game for ES 1年生 and 2年生 to practice introducing themselves.

  1. With the two big cards, introduce Hamu-san and Tamago-san and how they like to greet people.
  2. Demonstrate how to play the game with the homeroom teacher and one more person (a teacher, an assistant, a student, whoever, so they don't think they only need to find pairs.)
    • Students have to walk around and greet their friends. If they match (eg.: two Hamu cards saying "Hello!" to each other), they link arms and continue to greet others. Once their arms are linked, they can't split!
  3. Give a small card randomly to each students. (You don't need the exact number of each)
  4. Let them play! The game ends when there is no student left, but two very long snakes going around instead. You can play this game again and again by adding to the dialogue if you want it to last longer. (I'm ~, Nice to meet you!, etc.) You could also add more greetings to have more "snakes".
Submitted by derie214 September 28, 2023 Estimated time: 15 min
  1. ratclass May 2, 2024

    cute and fun, thanks for sharing!

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