
What do I do here?

A speaking and reading activity that is a combination of where and command grammar points

I have not tried this yet, but my JTE tasked me with creating an activity using 2 different grammar points, where and imperatives. This is a mix of different units so it's a little niche, but I wanted to upload it anyways.

This is a bit of a spin-off of one of my other activities but tailored for my JTE's request.

What you need:
- timer
- 4 small containers
- printouts (included below)

- In the back of the room, I have four containers labeled with different locations (school, Nagoya, station, home) filled with different cards saying "Let's __" or "Don't __" that apply to each of the locations.
ex: Nagoya -> Let's go shopping!
- In the front of the room, prepare the alphabet cards and number cards face down on a table
- Have 2 copies of the first page for you and JTE to check answers. The first page of the printouts have a handout with the 4 locations and a bunch of alphabet letters underneath. This is important for the activity
- prepare the timer for 1 minute intervals

Students form small groups. They decide which order to participate for.
One student from each group stands up and comes to the front to take an alphabet card. Once every student takes an alphabet card face down, start the timer.
The students must come to the teacher and ask the question, "Where is (A/B/C...)?" The teacher checks their handout and replies "A is the (school/station...)!"
The student then takes their letter card and go to the back of the room to find the container labeled with the location they were told. They grab an action card from inside, and now with both cards, they need to go back to the teacher.
The teacher asks. "What do I do here?" and the student replies with the answer on their card. If they chose the right card and said it correctly, they will get a point for their team. Afterwards, they need to replace their alphabet card and start over from the beginning. Continue until the end of the round then start with the next group of students.

This could also possibly be used for second years, using the should/have to/must grammar point but I have not edited the files for that. Maybe if it is requested I will make a copy for it, but this was originally intended for first years.

Let me know if you try it out!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Year 1 - Command Relay Action Cards_30943_marked.docx (3.76 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by SittingInTheCorner November 9, 2023 Estimated time: 20 mins+

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