
Gotta Compare 'Em All! (simplified)

Compare Pokemon cards (using comparative and superlative sentences) and win or lose your Pokemon!

An already existing activity by the_een, but I made the rules simpler. I think it's such a cool idea! But I was worried I couldn't explain the rules as they were.
I also added some new cards (instead of repeating cards) because there's no evolution in this version + I changed the back since it wasn't aligning when I printed it, and I made an explanation powerpoint for the new rules.

1) printable cards (print the document 2 times, so there's 2 of each, making about 112 cards).
2) explanation powerpoint

~You'll need a timer for each round too. There's no worksheet. It's just speaking practice.

1) First, show the explanation on the powerpoint and demonstrate with your JTE.

2) First Part: Individual. Each student gets 1 card in the beginning. It's a secret. Keep the deck of extras sitting at the front of the room.

3) Each round already has the prompt on the powerpoint Ex: "Which is faster?" "Which is lighter?"

(you’ll probably have time for 5 rounds if you want to do the 2nd part in the same class)

4) Students have about 2-3 minutes per round to talk to their classmates.

Students stand up and walk around.
->A: “Hello!”
->B: “Hello! Which is faster?
->AB: 1…2…3…
(show their cards to each other).

Faster pokemon = winner

5) Winner-> gets the loser's card.
Loser-> Gives the winner their card, must say the sentence in English "A is faster than B.", and then grab another card from the deck sitting at the front of the room.
Tie -> They must rock paper scissors, and the loser gives their card away and uses the sentence "A is as fast as B."

6) Do this for all rounds and see which students get the most Pokemon.

7) Second Part: Groups. Put students in groups. This is where they practice this kind of sentence - "B is the fastest of the 3."
Starting over with the number of cards, each student in the groups can start with 3 cards (if you have 38 or less students in your class)

They will do the same thing "1...2...3..." and all group members reveal their cards (their choice). Then the winner gets all of the losing cards. The losers must all say the sentence. Ex: "C is the strongest of the 5." <- however many people are in their group.

8) The winner of the group is the one who has the most cards after the rounds are finished.


Be sure to emphasize that they must say the English sentence before handing over their card (the loser). They got so excited that they weren’t using English, so I had to remind them a lot. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • pokemon cards_wbacks.docx (2.9 MB)
  • Pokemon Comparatives.pptx (3.16 MB)
  • pokemon cards_wbacks.pdf (1.29 MB)
  • 37
    Submitted by Celestar129 November 27, 2023 Estimated time: full class
    1. the_een December 6, 2023

      Love the way you modified it! The powerpoint really stresses the meaning of the words, and I like how you use newer Pokemon (I don't really know any after Gen 6 lol). I like how your way makes sure that everyone is speaking instead of just writing.

    2. bonolo123 October 27, 2024

      I was stressed about the original game(at least I think it is) and the rules and if I can pull it off. This is the one that's the simplest and ensures I hear the students speak the target sentence. I think they will love this.

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