
Order a Pizza

Role play and worksheet all in one. Take your partner's order and make your partner's pizza, then deliver! (Yet another variant of Let's Try 2, Unit 7, Activity 2).

This is meant to be used in the final lesson for Unit 7 (Let's Try 2), so it is assumed students already know and are comfortable working with the following dialog:

What do you want?
I want ~ please.
How many?
~ please.
Here you are.
Thank you.

I've modified "How many?" to "How many slices" because kids naturally know you just wouldn't put six whole pineapples on a pizza.

After writing their own name ("Ordered by"), students should give their worksheet to their partner and write their name ("Made by)." Then follow the stages on the worksheet: Stage 1: take the order/place your order. Stage 2: Make the pizza. Feel free to allow them to color, but set a timer (8-10 minutes). Stage 3: Deliver the pizza.

Submitted by AndynoPapa December 8, 2023 Estimated time: 15-18 minutes

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