
Find Santa's Hat

Christmas activity for practicing shapes and colors.

A fun little Christmas activity for lower elementary students. I used this with my 2nd and 3rd graders and they were really into it.

(Directions are also included in the presentation)

Santa's hat is hidden! Students must look behind the shapes and objects to find it. To look, say the object's name and color (ex: snowman, red triangle). If they didn't know something, I just had them point and we would practice together.

Click on the item to make it disappear. If Santa's hat is behind it, they win!

There are 4 slides: first slide is behind the green star, second slide is behind the Christmas tree, third slide is behind the blue square, and fourth slide is behind the pink present.

Inspired by the activity "Where is Santa's Hat" (

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Santa's hat.pptx (1.41 MB)
  • 20
    Submitted by cboice December 20, 2023 Estimated time: 10-20 minutes
    1. redshirt December 22, 2023

      Really cool, but I would suggest adding more santa hats or items for students to find.

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