Chrial's scavanger hunt activity, but changed to fit the New Horizon 1 textbook. I also added a short writing activity. :)
1) Introduce grammar point with example sentences (there are some included in PPT).
2) It's scavenger hunt time! Put students in groups and hand out whiteboards, markers, etc. Students will also need their textbooks.
I like to use the first question as a practice question. Show the hint and ask students to find the correct image in their textbooks. Then, ask students to write the answer on the whiteboard, i.e; "Kaito looks excited." Once all students have finished writing, reveal the correct answer.
From the next question, I give 1 point to each team that is correct, plus a bonus point to the fastest team.
3) My Perfect Holiday. This is a simple writing activity that combines "I want to ____" and "___ looks (adj)." If you have extra time, students can share their perfect holiday with their group.
worksheet with different font: