
Choose your own adventure (Pokémon style!)

A choose your own adventure Pokémon PowerPoint! Find the different story endings!

A click and choose your own adventure PowerPoint, starring Pikachu! Sometime last year I saw a similar thing on here (but not Pokémon themed), so I tried to make my own version. There is one version for simple tense (present or past) and one for passive voice. If you click on the different verbs, it will take you to a different page with a part of the sentence highlighted in red. That sentence is an unconjugated verb. They have to change the verb to the correct tense and write down the section in red on the corresponding worksheet. They're supposed to do this for every page, even if they have seen that particular page before. To get to some of the endings, some of the pages repeat. There are 12 or 13 different possible endings (depending on which PPT you use). When you get to an ending, there is a button you can press that will take you back to the beginning of the adventure. On the last line of the story (where it says "end"), the students should write a very short description of the end picture (it doesn't matter if it's in Japanese, and it only needs to be a word or two) so that they'll know if they've already done that ending.
You can upload the PowerPoint onto Google Drive, and then the students can get it onto their tablets or Chromebooks. The links and everything still work even if it's on Google Slides. It is VERY IMPORTANT that the students DO NOT USE the arrow keys OR the spacebar to navigate the PowerPoint. If they use the arrows, it WILL mess with the flow of the story. Drill this into their heads, and even if they say they got it, I guarantee that there will be a group that will try and navigate with the arrows/spacebar. USE THE HYPERLINKS!!!!!!!! (lol can you tell I've done this activity many times and each time had at least one group that kept using the arrows?) I would do the first story together as a class so that they can see how it works and what they're supposed to write on their worksheets.
I've done this where I've given the students a set amount of time and they had to find as many different stories as they can in that time, or if after that they still want to keep doing it, I'll use the whole class. It's up to you!! You can do it in small groups, or individually. I've found that small groups work better because one student can have the PowerPoint open on their Chromebook and another can be looking up words with a different Chromebook.

Here are links to it as well, please let me know if they work!!

Pokémon Choose adventure 3rd person!Ak9A3Tbt4QVKsggvpzl9Qu8sg4bf?e=d4em0d

Passive voice Pokémon adventure!Ak9A3Tbt4QVKsgaAZeJKkLOAmvR0?e=to8954

Small files
  • pokemon adventure basic verb worksheet (13 stories).docx (69.6 KB)
  • pokemon adventure passive voice worksheet (12 stories).docx (68.5 KB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • Pokemon choose adventure 3rd person.pptx (55.1 MB)
  • passive voice pokemon adventure 2.0.pptx (54.7 MB)
  • 8
    Submitted by AariCynward January 29, 2024 Estimated time: 30-50 minutes (or as long as you like)
    1. Matsue2012 January 31, 2024

      I love these "choose your adventure" Thank you for this! I am sure my kiddies (and I) will have a ton of fun.

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