
Fake Jeopardy (I know... / I don't know...)

(for JHS 2年 Lesson 8-1 Indirect Questions (I know ~ / I don't know ~) Jeopardy wherein you can score even if you don't know the answer, by giving an I know/I don't know statement.

Divide students into groups of 3-4, and provide whiteboards and markers.

Jeopardy Game with Categories on Question Words: Who, What, Where, How, and about 2nd graders.
This template is from SlideLizard, and has the actual Jeopardy game background sound effects. (Always impresses the students)

  1. First, JTE to teach/review the grammar lesson. (See template file) Write on the board the "formula" or template when changing a question to an indirect question format. Who is ~ ? >>> I don't know who ~ is. (Explain thoroughly how it differs for the How question.)

  2. ALT to play the Jeopardy file (start with the black screen), and give a background on how this is the real game show from the US.
    The real game show requires participants to answer the questions to gain points.

  3. But this Fake Jeopardy version, the students can get the points if they can write an I know/don't know statement from the Question.

  4. They can double their points if they can also give the answer to the question.

(Up to ALT and JTE's discretion on how to award partial points, and if answers need to be a certain format (we allowed Kanji/Romaji/Nihongo, or short phrase answers for the real answer; but we were strict on checking the sentence structure of the I know/I don't know sentence.)

On our laptops, the PPT file and the animations, sounds, links, work. But once hooked to the classroom TV, some of it don't work. The intro song, intro categories, still work, and we can press and select any question. But once a question and answer are revealed, it doesn't go back to the main menu page. So I just manually tap the exit button on our classroom TV and go back to the menu button. I also draw the menu on the blackboard so we can cross out and keep track of questions that are finished.
So please make sure to test run and troubleshoot the file on your classroom TV first.

*You can edit the file to change the student names and questions. (The students loved that 2nd graders category because it was about their classmates.)

Small files
  • 2nensei_2024.01.26_Lesson8-1_Indirect Questions I dont know I know_Template.docx (14.7 KB)
  • 2nensei_2024.01.26_Lesson8-1_Indirect Questions I dont know I know_Template.pdf (50.5 KB)
  • 2nensei_2024.01.26_Lesson8.1_Indirect Question I dont know I know.docx (24.1 KB)
  • 2nensei_2024.01.26_Lesson8.1_Indirect Question I dont know I know.pdf (256 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2nensei_2024.01.26_Lesson8-1_Indirect Questions I dont know I know_Jeopardy.pdf (4.88 MB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • 2nensei_2024.01.26_Lesson8-1_Indirect Questions I dont know I know_Jeopardy.pptx (45.1 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by connichiwow January 29, 2024 Estimated time: 50 minutes (it's okay not to finish the whole thing)

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