
Signs Quiz

Practice 'you must' and 'you must not' with a quiz game

UPDATE June 2022
I added a version that just uses the powerpoint to introduce a few examples. Then the students focus on writing about the signs. It is intended for a couple classes with limited time and the teacher really wants to work on writing before the tests.

UPDATE: May 2022
Added a version without the spinner. I lost confidence in that thing. Its fine when its the teacher spinning it for a cool effect but it doesn't work that well with the students. I replaced it with a bunch of gifs. For points I'm using a cards, Ace, Two, Three, Four and Joker. Joker is Jankan for five points or losing all points.

UPDATE: May 2021
I've added a new version. You click on the numbers at the top to show the signs, hints and answer. You click on the point spinner once to get it to move and again to get it to stop. If the skull comes up I usually erase all of a teams points. I use a tablet in class and let the students do the points stuff themselves.

It is followed by BOSS TIME. In pairs they spend a minute playing janken and the winner of each round gives the loser an order.

Finally there is a follow up writing page.

I got the idea for the spinner from Lucasmh's Mario Typhoon activity.

This can be a writing activity or just speaking.

Make groups and determine student order. Show the picture of the sign and the key words. The students race to complete the sentences. When ready one member will come to a teacher and read their sentence. If it is good the team gets points. For points I either do fastest teams get more points or use random point cards. If I'm doing fastest team gets more points then after a few rounds I add the option of rock scissors and paper with the teacher. If they choice to play they can risk their points. Rather than getting 4, 3, 2 or 1 point they can gamble and get 6 or 0. Really ups the motivation when some teams start to fall behind. After each sign you can do an answer check and then go onto the next one.

It is important to let them know 'no ing' when using 'must'. They will make this mistake a lot with 'You must not smoking'.

Also let them know that spelling is not an issue if you are doing writing.

Small files
  • You Must Signs Quiz.docx (37 KB)
  • You Must Signs Quiz.pptx (670 KB)
  • 2-02B SIGNS QUIZ writing practice.docx (287 KB)
  • 2-02B SIGNS Introduction Writing.docx (397 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2-02B SIGNS QUIZ with Spinner.pptx (2.18 MB)
  • 2-02B SIGNS QUIZ with GIFs.pptx (18.4 MB)
  • 2-02B SIGNS Introduction.pptx (12.5 MB)
  • 6
    Submitted by UonumaRobert May 14, 2019 Estimated time:

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