
I want you to play Space Invaders

This is the excellent Powerpoint game made by UonumaRobert edited for the grammar point infinitive "S + want + O + to" from page 108 of One World 2. I'm sharing it because it takes time to edit.

I love the sound effects in this game - thank you UonumaRobert!

All credit to him. Here are the instructions for the game which I copied from his post, just changed the example sentence:

"Space Invaders Feud:

Do the two demonstrations before putting the students into groups.

After the mother ship has arrived click the START button to show the question or the keywords.

Students, or in demo the teacher, raise their hand to try and answer. You can require speaking the answer as a sentence if the model is on the screen. If it's a good answer (for example 'I want you to play games with me.') then the student picks a number between 1 and 6 (for the demo don't pick red). Numbers 2,3,4 and 5 will destroy one of the small guard ships which you say gets the team 2 points. Then demonstrate the teacher or ALT being a different group and giving another correct answer. Finally do a last demonstration and this time click on the green number. This destroys the mother ship ending the round. That team gets 4 points and then either click on the START button again to see an example answer and the arrow to go to the next screen. This is either the end of the round or you can optionally say remaining teams can give an answer for 1 point.

On the next demo screen the green number causes the track beam to appear. This means the team gets -4 points and the round is over. Although again remaining teams that want to answer can answer for 1 point. If they don't want to answer they can just sit down. Its not a test.

Then make teams and have the teams select their order. They should switch which student answers each question but other members can help with ideas. For the most part I use rows as groups. Question one has the first student in each row stand. Second question has the second student and so on.

There are 12 screens and after the quiz the team with the most points wins."

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Y2 L9-2 人 ask(s) want(s) だれだれ to [verb] Space Invaders Feud.pptx (9.77 MB)
  • 5
    Submitted by kusobaba February 19, 2024 Estimated time: 20-30 minutes

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