
ALTPAY (Digital Money) any grade (Updated)

A simple digital wallet to be use in any shopping game.

To open the file you might have to click on "Enable Editing" and "Enable Contents" to allow the program to run. In Japanese they're called "編集を有効にする(E)" and "コンテンツ有効化". (They're the yellow bars that pops up when you open the file for the first time).

It's a simple digital wallet to be use in any shopping game you want.
Just send the file to the students.
Guide them into the "Enable Contents" part.
And they are good to go.

It's pretty simple to use.
Just charge money to your balance; You can charge 10,000, 5,000, or 1,000 yen.
You can adjust the amount according to your activity.
Then click pay and choose the amount you want to pay.
It will automatically be deducted from your balance.
Give it a try.

Update: I added a "receive" button.
In this case you can click "Pay" for the money to be deducted from your balance and click on "Receive" to add the money you get to your balance.

Small files
  • ALTPAY.xlsm (167 KB)
  • 18
    Submitted by Aurelio Mizukami February 27, 2024 Estimated time: 20 to 30 min.
    1. mayzejvr March 4, 2024

      This is great! How did you make this? any tutorial posts? thank you!

    2. PrinceA March 4, 2024

      Very nice, good job

    3. Aurelio Mizukami March 4, 2024

      @mayzejvr, I'm glad you liked it. It's not very difficult, but it's not easy to explain how to make it. It's based on macro, userforms, commandbuttons etc... If you take a look at some tutorials online on how to use those basic macro tools, maybe you will be able to figure out most of it, and hopefully by opening the file that I posted and taking a look at the codes I've used you might be able to use some of these codes to create your own activities as well. Maybe in a newer future I'll try to host a zoom workshop so I can walk you and some other people who might be interested in this on how to create this kind of activities using macro.

    4. ReySensei March 5, 2024

      This is amazing!

    5. Aurelio Mizukami March 6, 2024

      @ReySensei, Thanks. Since most european and north american countries are not using paper bills and metal coins so often anymore I though it would be a good idea to introduce some activities using digital money. I guess most of them already know how to use digital money, but I thought would be fun for them to also use it in English.

    6. shogun July 12, 2024

      Hi, @Aurelio Mizukami. How can use a tablet as a cashier? I want to do a shopping game using QR codes. I have made several cards with the items that kids need to buy ( shoes, T-shirts, trousers, pens, pencils, books,..). Each kid receives a set of 5 cards with the pictures of the items and the qr codes printed on them. The goal is for the student cashier to scan the items, the tablet to read the QR code and show the price of each item, and the total at checkout. I would appreciate your suggestions or links to video tutorials.

    7. Aurelio Mizukami September 20, 2024

      @shogun, Wow that is a whole new level. I'm sorry but I'm not there yet. I think you might be able to find some QR codes readers online. I think it would be really cool to add a QR readear to a Microsoft Exel or to a PowerPoint file, but I think that requires a whole new level of programming. This file has only two options, Pay or Receive money by typing it in. What you could do for now is using this file as Shoppers and Cashiers. The Shoppers would only use the Pay option and the Cashiers would only use the Receive option, however you might need to make a new set of cards. But If I learn how to add a QR reader to the file I'll let you know. Cheers!

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