
Parfait, Pizza, T-Shirt Party!!

Review for fruits, vegetables, animals, shapes, colours and numbers!

All three activities run on generally the same pattern and work best in pairs.

(A) Parfait Party to review fruits
(B) Pizza party to review vegetables
(C) T-shirt Party to review capital letters (initials), shapes, colours and animals!

Begin by reviewing the target vocabulary (10 min.), followed by the target grammar questions and answers (10 min.):
(A)(B): What do you want? I want OO, please. How many? OO, please.
(C): What OO do you like? I like OO.
please adjust the question styles and topics to match the levels of your students.

Next ask your students to conduct their order taking/interviews (10 min.)
Finally ask them to design gorgeous parfaits, pizzas or T-shirts for their partner following the information they gained during their interviews (10min.).

Save time to actually allow the students to share the designs they made with their partner using phrases like "Here you are!" or "This is for you".

** These are 2xA5 prints on one A4 landscape sheet.
If you'd like to make them bigger, printing on A3 and cutting them in half also works.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • ES 4 - Unit 7 - Parfait, Pizza & T-shirt Parties.pptx (2.04 MB)
  • 13
    Submitted by seisensei April 9, 2024 Estimated time: 45 minutes

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