- Ask students to write one thing they can buy from the supermarket for every letter of the alphabet.
- Either take student answers or show the example answers on the PowerPoint (feel free to change any of thew example answers).
- Read the dialogue with the JTE.
- Ask students to look at the dialogue and answer the questions on the handout(if you don't have the textbook either print out the dialogue or use a projector).
- Go over some pros and cons of online shopping. Explain the words "pros" and "cons" if needed.
- Ask students to write their own ideas.
- Ask students to have a debate in pairs (online shopping vs in-person shopping). Students play janken to decide their role.
- Ask students "Do you prefer online shopping or in-person shopping?" and take some answers from the class.
- Take a final vote by getting students to raise their hands if they prefer online shopping or in-person shopping.
Note: The handout should be printed to be double sided on A4 paper.