
My Best Friend MadLib (present perfect/continuous)

Inspired by Celestar129's amazing MadLibs activity, changed the format of the activity and uses less paper, but uses the same script!

Inspired by Celestar129's amazing MadLibs activity, changed the format of the activity and uses less paper, but uses the same script!

I formatted the worksheet to look closer to what a MadLib page would look like, and I only passed out 1-2 pages per 4 person group. Could work in pairs if you have good writers in your class. I allowed them to use their dictionaries, tablets, (or me!) for help on what they want to say/write.
I gave them about 15 minutes to write as a group. They should choose one person to write in English and another person to translate what they wrote into Japanese on the other page. When they present, one person will read the English script, and the other person will read the Japanese translation. They do this by every line so the English sentence and the Japanese translation are reinforced many times (like read #1 in English, then read #1 in Japanese, #2 in English then #2 in Japanese... to 10)

This MadLib practices present perfect/continous. It helps to read the script together as a class before they begin. Ideally, you and your JTE would make a sample version to help paint a picture of what the presentation/script should be like.

Attached files include the English script, a Japanese script (translated by my JTE!), and a word box you can project for students who are struggling with what words to use.

If we have time to do all of them, we vote for the best script which encourages them to be more creative and fun with it!

Submitted by meatydog June 6, 2024 Estimated time: 40 minutes
  1. Stagione June 14, 2024

    I'm a bit confused about sentence #6. _____'s favorite thing is ________. Is the thing supposed to b e an object or gerund? Because it's an object, then I'm not sure why it says ~ing

  2. meatydog June 17, 2024

    I gave the option of either! @Stagione

  3. Stagione June 18, 2024

    I ended up changing #6 to an object because if it's an -ing verb, then #7 doesn't really make sense. Otherwise, my kids loved it yesterday. Will do this again for other classes. Thanks

  4. meatydog August 8, 2024

    Sorry for the late reply! For example, one of my students said "OO's favorite thing is jumping. OO has had his jumprope since he was a child.". I figured they would get creative like that ^^ I'm glad your students enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to trying something like this again in the future. @Stagione

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