I will post the link to the Canva project too, and then you can edit it as you wish. As with my previous calendars, I started with Japan public holidays [which only has Marine Day] and then my home country's [South Africa - which there were none :(]. I then went and found crazy holidays and weird things celebrated on certain days. There were a lot of options for some days, so I only chose ones that were interesting for me and what I thought my learners would like, based on their English abilities.
Here is the Canva link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGHyIso9tQ/lCeeL2P3-nAhCMrumnjyQA/edit?utm_content=DAGHyIso9tQ&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
I ask that you please do not delete anything, as my May calendar disappeared from my Canva library as if someone removed it.
I hope you like this.
Tried to see it on Canva but it says I don't have permission to see it. Thank you for posting! I really like the holidays you picked!
@kitagalt It should work now.