
Prefectures 3 Hint Quiz

3 Hint Quiz PowerPoint about Japanese prefectures, followed by a worksheet for students to create their own quiz - aimed for ES 6th Grade

Pretty simple 3 Hint Quiz PowerPoint about Japanese prefectures - read out the three hints and have the students guess the prefecture. I usually let the kids discuss in pairs or groups, then call on whoever wants to guess. Some of the questions are similar to try and make it a bit more of a challenge, especially as some kids really know their prefectures.
Once you've finished the PowerPoint quiz, hand out the worksheet and have the kids make their own quiz. At this point I usually let them use their tablets to look up info about the different prefecures. At the end of class I'll collect the prints and mark them, then in the following class have them present their quizzes in groups or in front of the class, depending on the class size.
Some of them come up with the most random quizzes so it can get really funny, and they usually get very into it!
The PowerPoint uses the phrases 'We have ~' and 'We can ~' but for the worksheets I try to get them to use 'You can see / eat / enjoy / do visit' etc.

Small files
  • Prefectures 3 Hint Quiz Worksheet.pdf (95.8 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Prefectures 3 Hint Quiz.pptx (19.3 MB)
  • 31
    Submitted by amyaad June 25, 2024 Estimated time:
    1. waltergetubig0091 July 5, 2024

      Arigatou Gozaimazuuuu.

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