
Exclamations Board!

A fun board that has different English exclamations (Wow! Cool! Oh!) and the lovely Joseph Joestar (Oh my god!). Interjections! Yay!

I created this for my English Classroom.

I printed Joseph on A3 paper and the speech bubbles on A4.

I wrote on and colored the comic speech bubbles with marker before laminating and cutting them out. Then I cut out Joseph Joestar and laminated him.

I enjoyed putting this together and the students have had fun quoting the phrases around school.

I included a completed photo of the board :) I put it above another manga board I found on Altopedia.

Small files
  • Exclamation Speech Bubbles.docx (32.6 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Joseph Joestar OMG.docx (1.68 MB)
  • Joseph English Board Complete.jpeg (2.56 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by rileyrj42 June 28, 2024 Estimated time: 50 mins

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