
Summer English Board

Heavily inspired by ch_armander. This is some of my material for my English Board for the summer. This includes some facts about August, two calendars, 4th of July, song of the month, poll, etc

Heavily inspired by ch_armander and his excellent work. I suggest using his July material and mine for August. This is what I made for my last English Board ever. I have two calendars, a description on 4th of July, a poster about summer camp in the States, a poll, and a song. Tomorrow, I'll probably add a question poster for the new ALT and a letter-writing activity. Best of luck on your English Boards and it's been fun coming up with ideas with you all :)

Design Links


Summer 2023 Board

Questions to new ALT

Small files
  • questions_for_new_ALT.pdf (893 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Summer Board.pdf (24.2 MB)
  • July and August Calendars.pdf (16.6 MB)
  • 9
    Submitted by lsuna July 1, 2024 Estimated time: 0 minutes
    1. nisaa1234 July 3, 2024

      This is excellent! I've just noticed a little misspell of 'Virgo' on page 4. Also, I just wanted to ask if you could share the link to the files for editing? Thanks a bunch for sharing.

    2. lsuna July 4, 2024

      Have the links up there for you!

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