
Bingo: What did you do in the summer vacation?

A flexible ready-to-print bingo card, or I must say, bingo cards (16 different cards in total) for small class.

There are 16 different bingo cards in total. I used this with my special class with 16 students. You may have two copies of each if you will use it with the class with regular number of students about 30-35. With that, you can have two bingos each round.

Basically, you may want to talk about your summer vacation to the students without emphasizing on the grammar (past tense) unless the JTE asks you to do it as an activity for practicing past tense. The goal is to share about your summer vacation as well as students.

Introduce the summer activities from the bingo cards and ask who among them have done the said activities.

As with the bingo, the question "What did you do in your summer vacation?" will repeatedly be asked until someone bingoes. It would be more interactive if students will join the answer part. The tendency though is that, students who are near bingo wins will desperately answer so they can bingo. it is up to you if you will set the rule of, just say what's true about one's summer vacation.

Also, since I used this with the special class, I only used keywords for description in each photo. Feel free to edit and put the whole sentence or none at all.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 17
    Submitted by hidariessie August 28, 2024 Estimated time: 15-20

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