
Relative Pronoun Review, Game, and Writing

This is everything I made for a lesson on relative pronouns with a focus on using "which."

Start with the review. Even if it's not Christmas time, I think "I want a ______ which _____," is a pattern that works no matter the season. Plus, you can make a joke about how "out of season" that aspect is. On that part, I recommend pairing studeents up, giving them a minute to try and think of a sentence that goes with the picture, and see what they come up with. Be clear that any reasonable answer is ok and praise anyone who trys.

How long and how well the animal sentence making game will go is going to depend on the skill level of your class. I suggest a fair bit of time here, as many students struggle with making original sentences in my experience. In any case, you can keep the pairs students were already in or suffle them around. Have them do rock, paper, scissors, and the loser has to make clues first. I suggest allowing them to use their books if they want.

Finally, the "survey" activity is fair self-explanitory. You'll want at least 15 minutes there, and more is likely better. I added the 3 boys, 3 girls rule as I was tired of the boys and girls rarely talking to each other. Students will likely complain, but insist. I do this standard in lessons like this and the students go used to it pretty quickly.

Small files
  • What do you want for Christmas Y3.docx (10.5 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Relative Pronoun Practice Y3.pptx (8.72 MB)
  • Relative Pronoun Animals Y3.pptx (15.5 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by Gaijingaiden September 9, 2024 Estimated time: 50 minutes

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