
Janken Stealers!

A warm-up review activity that is really good fun!

This is a warm-up activity I have been doing for a few weeks as it is really good fun. I really need to think of a better name for it, so let me know if you think of anything...

-Students in groups (I usually do by rows). Each team gets 10 points to start.
-The front row students stand and I ask a question using the target grammar.
-First to put their hand up can answer.
-If they are correct, they do janken with a team of their choice for the chance to steal points from that team.
-The next question, the next students in the row stand, cycle for each question.
-Each question I raise the number of points they steal. So, for question 1 they can steal 1 point, question 2 they steal 2 points, question 3 they steal 3 points, etc.

As an explainer with 6 teams:
Question 1:
1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 10 10 10 10

Team 3 answers the first question and challenges team 6. Team 3 wins janken and steals 1 point!

Next round:
1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 11 10 10 9

Team 5 answers the second question and challenges team 3. Team 5 wins and steals 2 points!

1 2 3 4 5 6
10 10 9 10 12 9

And so on...

You can play it where the challenged team steal the points if they win janken. I tried it and I had a team win the whole activity despite not answering a single question, which is funny in it's own way, but to rule that out I prefer that if the challengers lose janken, nothing happens.

The students generally love it as they can watch other teams getting shafted AND they can do janken! All you need is a bunch of questions to ask.

Nice and simple! I hope it works well for you! Have a nice week/weekend!

Submitted by jiggswalsh September 13, 2024 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes
  1. francheese11 September 13, 2024

    Hi! Thank you for sharing this activity. I want to try this. Just a question: If a student loses to the team that they challenged, do you award the points to other team?

  2. AGYENGO1 September 13, 2024

    Yeah, I tried this in my grade 6 lesson, though the group answered the question correctly but lost the Janken to the other group, and so I awarded the points to them.

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