
Funky Friends (Be verb practice)

Student will practice using the be verb and describing people.

This lesson was designed with pages 69 and 145 of "Here We Go! 1" in mind. You can change the page numbers or cut that part as you see fit. The Japanese has been checked by my JTE.

First, put the Funky Friends paper up on a TV and give a copy to the students. Do rock, paper, scissors with your JTE. The winner is A, and the loser is B. Person A should chose a character and together with B, do a demonstration of the key conversation. It should NOT be the same conversation as the example on the paper.

Next, read the example conversation on the paper and have the students repeat along. After that, do read and repeat with word lists 1-4 and check to make sure the class is comfortable with the words. The blank spaces are for if students want to add words of their own. Be sure to explain and encourage that.

After that, ask the students to chose ONE character and circle their picture. The ALT should do this too and fold the paper so only the pictures can be seen. Try to make a big circle which the whole class can see. Next, write two and four on the board and demonstrate chosing words for those sections. You might need your JTE's help to explain that the students should do this too for their characters. To be clear, Speaker A uses word lists 1 and 3, and Speaker B uses 2 and 4.

Anyway, this is a good place to give out the "Is he/she...?" paper.

Once you have chosen words from lists 2 and 4 for your character, tell the class they are Person A and you are Person B. Chose a student and have them take the role of Person A with you. This really helped my students understand how this all works, so I really suggest doing this even if the student you select struggles. Enough kids will figure it out that they can help the rest when the activity starts.

Walk strudents through writing notes and turning those into sentences using the paper. I got better results with students waited to write their sentences until after they'd finished talking to six classmates. However you want to do that part, put aside about 7-10 minutes for that.

And that shoudl be everything. My students really enjoyed the characters which, hopefully, helped the lesson stick.

Small files
  • Is he_sheY1.docx (11.1 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Funky Friends Y1.pptx (5.71 MB)
  • 1
    Submitted by Gaijingaiden September 13, 2024 Estimated time: 40-50 minutes

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