
Textbook Search! (Reduced Relative Clauses)

A textbook picture search highly specific to New Horizon 3, practicing Key Sentence 13: We spoke to an officer passing by

Unfortunately this is super specific to New Horizon 3 (2021), but I thought I'd post it anyways if someone needed it.

This is a textbook picture search using reduced relative clauses. The key sentence is: We spoke to an officer passing by.

Basically, students read the "Can you find...?" sentence and search for what the worksheet is asking for. Then all they have to do is fill in the blank (basically repeat the clause again) and write down the page number.
This goes much quicker if they're in groups. It also fills the awkward silence, lol.

When they're finished, I had students make their own quiz using the same format. They can quiz their friends/group if you have time.
This last part can also be modified to be a relay or something for students, where one group quizzes the other groups and whichever group can find it first gets a point.

Submitted by meatydog September 30, 2024 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes

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