Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Kathy Cheng on Nov 10, 2011.
- FountainOfYouth attachment: Cut the story into 8 paragraphs, then glue them onto coloured card. Stick pieces of the story outside the classroom, in the hallway on the window, wall etc.
- Pair of scissors for each team
- Divide the class into teams of 4-6 and tell them they must either be a 'writer', who must remain seated at all times or a 'reporter’. Half are writers and half are reporters.
- The ‘reporters’ must find the pieces of the story outside, memorise them, then teach it to their 'writer' who writes them down.
- When all the sentences have been reported, the students must work together to figure out the order of the story.
- The attachment has eight pictures and eight writing spaces. The students' task is to decide which sentences corresponds to which picture and put them in order.
- Instead of using the cards, students can draw a picture that matches each paragraph.
- Give a tick to the 'reporters' that can read each paragraph to you until the whole story is read.
- Naturally, you can adapt any story to this format to target any grammar point.
- Spelling counts too, so look over the reading student's shoulder to check this as well as punctuation.
- This lesson takes 50 minutes, no more, no less. Also, you might want to tell the students they can't call out each word from the hallway.