Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Nicholas Hallsworth on August 22, 2011.
- Show the students some examples of sports jerseys. Have them talk about the colors.
- Handout the worksheet and have the students design their own jersey using a few colors.
- When the students are finished coloring, have them ask 5 friends about their jerseys using the phrase, "What color is this?" and pointing at their friends jersey.
- The students record the answers by circling the same colors on the bottom of their worksheet.
- Finish by checking the students answers. "What color is Kenta's jersey?" The students who talked to Kenta should answer with color names for example, "Black. White. Red."
- Have the students introduce each others' jerseys in pairs.
- For younger students, have them introduce their own jersey just using colors.
- I like to warm up with a color touching game where the students touch the color they hear.