
Past Participle Family Feud

Family Feud powerpoint to review past participles as adjectives in New Horizon 3 Unit 4 Page 64

This activity wasn't my idea at all. I got the idea and questions from holdonwaitohno.
Here is the link to the original activity:
I think I only switched a couple answers around, but I have included the sheet with the answers that correspond to this powerpoint.

Essentially I just used an online Family Feud Powerpoint to put it together. But unfortunately we didn't have time to use it in class :'(

For answering the questions, I was thinking of having the students answer in full sentences, but definitely work it according to your class level.
On one of the beginning slides, the Xs work, and it's a really cool effect! But when I was adding questions, the effect was lost when I copied the slides. With Powerpoint being in Japanese, I had a hard time figuring out how to fix it (and then I wasn't able to use it anyway, so it didn't matter too much). But honestly, the effect isn't necessary! You can easily just write Xs on the boards when teams get them wrong.
Also, I put pretty basic instructions for how I was going to play it with my class, but feel free to change that!

Small files
  • Unit 4 - Family Feud Questions and Answers.docx (16.8 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Unit 4 - Past Participle Family Feud.pptx (10.2 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by rileyrj42 November 6, 2024 Estimated time: 30-50 mins

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