
Relative Pronoun Connect Four

Relative Pronoun 関係代名詞 Objective Case 目的格 Connect Four game. Students must make sentences using the target grammar to choose squares to place their symbols (✕ or ○).

This is a Connect Four game using the Relative Pronoun 関係代名詞 grammar, Objective Case 目的格, from Sunshine 3 Program 6.

This was originally inspired by an activity by @katiegregory but I wanted to make a version that could be played on paper, with simplified rules (students can place anywhere they want, and don't need to follow normal Connect 4 rules of following gravity), and focusing specifically on the Objective Case 目的格.

This is a pair game, meaning 1 sheet between 2 students.

1. Students decide who is ○ and who is ✕.
2. They Janken to see who goes first.
3. Student follows the sentence structure on the side of the sheet, using help words from the 動詞 and 時間 boxes and the noun in the specific box they choose. Once they have read that sentence to their partner they draw their ○ or ✕ into the appropriate box.
4. They take turns doing this until one of them has made 4 in a row (this can be in any direction, including diagonally).

This could easily be adapted to any grammar point.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Relative Pronoun Connect 4.docx (1.08 MB)
  • 6
    Submitted by holmesl02 November 19, 2024 Estimated time:

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