
Pokemon Battle Card Game

This is a card game for JHS New Horizons 2 U6 p.85 - comparative (-er) 'bigger than', 'the biggest'

THIS IS onighost's ACTIVITY.
Please see here for the original activity:

What I added:
- I changed the Pokemon cards into a Word file and new PDF version. You can print the cards double-sided along the long edge. (I had trouble printing a double-sided version of the original file).
- I made an animated PPT to explain how to play. Also, a close up example of the cards to show exactly what to do - with examples. (I felt my students would need the extra help).

((For formatting, I use: 'Antique Olive Compact' or 'Segoe UI Black' for titles, and 'UD デジタル UK-R' for body text.))

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Comparison Pokemon Cards PDF.pdf (2.49 MB)
  • U6 p.85 Pokemon Comparison instructions PPT.pptx (17.1 MB)
  • Large files (requires a subscriber account) -
  • Comparison Pokemon Cards.docx (44 MB)
  • 18
    Submitted by lianneinjapan November 19, 2024 Estimated time: 30 minutes
    1. AbbyALT November 25, 2024

      Thank you so much for the instructions ppt, it saves me a whole lot of explanation :D

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