
This is my favorite place! Tablet Activity

Scratch game where the students can use the directional keys on their tablet to move a character around a school map in order to find their classmates favorite place.

Intended for Let's Try! 2 (Unit 8)

When I created this interactive activity I wanted it to be easy to use and keep students interested, as in the past I did this with a grid map printed on paper and cutout pairs of shoes with arrows on them.

This is a tablet based activity that uses the directional keys rather than the touch screen.
Using the "UP", "LEFT", and "RIGHT" keyboard keys, students can direct their classmates to their favorite place in their school.
Get students into pairs. One student is using their tablet to control their character while the other is directing them by saying either "Go straight.", "Turn left.", or "Turn right."
First click on the "START" button, then select the school map you want to use, and finally select your character.
The character will always start at the entrance no matter which school you choose.
Move your character with the arrow keys. "UP" to "Go straight.", "LEFT" to "Turn left.", and "RIGHT" to "Turn right."
When the character touches one of the locations on the map the background will change to show that you've entered the location. The student can show their partner to see if this is their favorite place or not.
You can return back to the map by clicking on the "back" button on the bottom right corner.
The first map is a simple grid format while the second is roughly based on my school.
Unfortunately, I only used the locations that are at my school, so I'm sorry if your school has a lunch room, computer room, or school office.
Hit the green flag to return to the title screen.


Submitted by Martini January 9, 2025 Estimated time:
Inspired by Directions App!
  1. AbbyALT January 10, 2025

    Nice! I’m gonna try t5his with my special needs kids. :)

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