Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Ashlea Miyauchi on Nov 25, 2009.
- Explain how a Venn Diagram works (see attachment) - one side is Japan and the other USA (or your home country), the overlap is both, and the outside box is neither.
- Working together, identify the first one or two sentences as Japan/America/Both/Neither.
- Give students 5-7 minutes to read and guess the sentences.
- Check answers together, explaining with pictures and other information about your home country's school system.
- This activity was designed for students who had learned "have to" and "don't have to." For a class which has already covered "must" and "mustn't," replace some of the grammar on the worksheet.
- The concept that "You don't have to take tests" is NEITHER Japan nor USA is tricky. (double negative). So, ask them "In Japan, you don't have to take tests?" - "No!" - "In America, you don't have to take tests?" - "No!" - "Then, the answer is neither."
This has become one of my favorite lessons to teach every year, and the kids really enjoy it too! This year I added a simple powerpoint presentation to provide some visual context which went over really well. My kids are always shocked that American students have to make good grades to play sports haha