
Memory Challenge

This activity has two parts: 1.) Students aim to remember a series of sentences, 2.) Students use the grammar and a constructed picture to describe a holiday scene to their class.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Tatyana Safronova on August 22, 2007.


  • A3 size paper: One piece per group


Remembering Rounds:

  • Split the class into groups of about 10 students. Students sit or stand in a circle, depending on the layout of the classroom.
  • The aim of this game is for students to listen to others, memorise what they will eat/ do/ see at a picnic, and recite it accurately.
  • ALT starts with, “On Saturday, I am going to a picnic.”
  • JTE is next and says, “On Saturday, I am going to a picnic. I am going to eat ramen.”
  • The game continues until everyone in the group takes one turn or until someone makes a mistake.

Group Memory:

  • Students work in groups of 4-5. Each group is given a blank piece of paper.
  • Give students 5 minutes to draw as many pictures as they can about what they would do on a holiday. No notes – only pictures!
  • After the time limit, each group presents their scene of pictures, describing each one using the grammar they were just practicing. For each picture and correct sentence, their team receives a point.


  • To make it a faster game, have small teams of 4-5 for the first part of the game and have a time limit to see how many rounds each group can remember. Have the students recite all the sentences to the class for a chance to receive bonus points.
  • To avoid one student doing all the drawing and talking, have a time limit for each student to draw. When it comes to presenting, the student who drew the picture must describe it, or for a laugh, another student must describe it.
  • Groups swap pictures and for each picture they can describe from another group, they receive points.


  • Bigger group sizes in the 'remembering rounds' is not suggested. Students tend to be distracted easily.
Submitted by Englipedia Archive November 19, 2019 Estimated time: 35-50 min

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