Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Catherine Burgemeister on Feb 6, 2013.
- Prepare some small cards with known nouns for students to pass around. Roughly 5cm x 5cm is a good size. Prepare enough cards for about half the class.
- CD player.
- CD of your choice.
- Handout cards randomly to about half the class, only 1 to each student. Spread the cards out across the classs.
- Start up a song of your choice.
- Students with cards stand up, walk to a student sitting down and say "I'll give you a ~". Then they sit down. The student with the card stands up and does the same.
- Students continue passing cards in this way.
- After about 3 minutes or when the song ends, the students without cards are the winners!
- Make sure the students are actually practicing the target language and not just passing the cards.