Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Richard Benoit on Jul 02, 2010.
- YouLookHappy attachment: When making the cards for this activity (page two of worksheet), be sure to make two times the number of copies as you have groups in the class. For me, the easiest way is to use the schools colored construction paper. A different color per group. Cut the construction paper in half then feed it into the copy machine and make copies of cards.
- After handing out the worksheet, divide the classes into teams.
- Give them a couple minutes to fill in what they think the spellings are for Part 1. Let them reference their textbooks if needed.
- Then, have them hand back their worksheet and practice the spellings via some type of quiz show-type battle. Basically, you say an adjective and students raise their hand if they think they can spell it.
- Next, hand out a set of cards to each group (created from page two of the worksheet). Each group spreads out the cards face down and play Janken to see who goes first.
- This activity is your basic Concentration game. A student flips over a card and says the target sentence using the adjective of the card they flipped over. Once completed, they flip over a second card to try and find a match. If they find a match, they receive the cards. NOTE: If a student can't form the target sentence, they can't turn over a second card.
- The student with the most cards is the champion.
No answer sheet. Wondering what the second to last is? YOUNG???
Anywho, thanks in advance for your response and GREAT IDEA
@Samu T Yes, it's young. :)
I changed "confused" for "tired" because my JTE insists that it will make the students.... CONFUSED. Oh the irony...