
Call Me Up

Students aim to communicate with each other without actually seeing each other, as they would on a telephone.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Raegina Taylor on Feb 27, 2008.


  • CallMeUp worksheet
  • A couple of practice telephones.


  • Students fill in the blanks on the worksheet that are double underlined.
  • Perform a practice in front of the students with the JTE and ALT to ensure no confusion about the aim of the game.
  • Push the desks to the back of the room. Make sure students have a pencil, their sheet and a chair.
  • Ask students to set up the chairs in two circles, an inner and an outer, with the chairs back to back. Maybe draw a diagram on the board to follow. Make sure the pairs are not too close as that will make it more difficult for them to hear each other.
  • Nominate the inner circle A and the outer circle B. Students do the dialogue and fill in the sheet. Ask the students to swap roles (inner is B and outer is A).
  • After students have swapped and finished filling in their sheet, have them check with their partner and mark in the last square a circle or cross depending on whether it was right or not.
  • Now, its time to swap partners. Have all students stand and move one chair to the right and sit down. Repeat the activity.


  • Put enough papers as there are pairs into a hat. Half should have ‘yes’ and half should have ‘no’ written on them. Have each pair choose a paper. ‘Yes’ papers mean performing, and ‘No’ papers mean safe from performing.
  • Set up two chairs back to back with a telephone on each. Have each ‘yes’ pair come to the front and perform the dialogue.
  • Give out points or praises for their bravery.


  • You could ask students as a follow up to evaluate the activity. Why it was difficult and why it was easy. This could be written, or spoken (depending on how shy your class is).


  • Before the activity, you need to be able to move the desks and have only chairs in the second part of the activity.
  • Read a practice conversation and get the students to practice reading in a big voice
  • Explain or brainstorm as a class the elements of a phone conversation that are different to a face-to-face conversation.


  • Make sure students are sitting facing the front every time ie, not turning to hear their partner better. You may have to monitor this. Yelling out ‘cheating!’ whilst physically turning them is a way to make them wary of doing this.
Submitted by Englipedia Archive May 7, 2020 Estimated time: 35-50 min

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