Let's Try 1
Greetings Bingo! (Let's Try 1 Unit 1)
A very simple way to introduce the students to English and get them to greet each other over and over again.
Let's Try 1 and 2 Big Vocab Cards
Big vocabulary cards for to supplement the New Horizon 5 + 6 cards.
Hello!I’m Emily (Let's try1) Unit 1
A simple conversation tracker to help students to keep track of the friends that they've already talked to.
🌏Greetings Around the World!🌏
(LT1, Unit 1) Students practice and learn different ways to say "hello" with a simple quiz game!
Greetings Around the World - Sugoroku
Designed to be printed on an A3 paper. Requires dice.
Flags E.S.Grade 3 Guessing game
Powerpoint game designed to help elementary school grade 3 students learn the name of some countries. (Let's Try! 1 book).
Let's Try 1: Unit 1 (Flag activities)
These are 3 activities students can do to learn the English names of 9 country flags. This is based on the Let's Try 1: Unit 1 textbook for 3rd graders.
📚 Vocabulary Speed Review PowerPoints
Digital flashcard warmup PowerPoints. Blank template included
🎨 Mario-Themed Classroom Posters! 🍄
ES Let's Try 1 & 2 Chapters 1-4
ES 3rd Grade Unit 1 Lesson 1 Activity and Lesson P
Helper for the first lesson.
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