Handwriting Practice Sheets
Handwriting practice for all the letters of the alphabet, days of the week and months of the year, plus some extra space for practice and an example of dialogue or vocabulary from a textbook.
Do you know who they are?
An activity for students to introduce a famous person, or someone who they choose.
Spring Vacation Bingo
Students ask their peers what they did on their spring vacation, checking answers off a bingo sheet, and conjugating verbs into the past tense as they go.
Mario Kart Must
Students use "You must~" to explain Japanese road signs that Mario Kart characters must obey (worksheet included).
Animal Crossing Have To
The cast of Animal Crossing New Horizons talk about the things they have to do before their friend arrives on the island (worksheet included).
Guess the Movie Title
A powerpoint quiz for your students to guess the English title of a movie when shown the Japanese one.