Activities posted by ThatOneALT

  • Choose Their Adventure

    A choose your own adventure type story that uses the "Let" and "Make" causative verbs. Large focus on reading. Inspired by Pusheen's Adventure.

  • Festivals

    Students work in pairs to "think" about interesting festivals/events from around the world

  • Travel the World

    Students decide on a country they want to visit and why they want to visit it. Practices the "want to" and "to (reason)" grammars.

  • Japanese Folktales

    An activity to practice the "SVOO + that" grammar using some famous Japanese folktales. Ex: He told me "that" the news was interesting.

  • Breaking News

    Students work in pairs to write an interesting news report using either "going to" or "will."

  • Passive Voice Quiz

    Passive voice quiz questions that can be used with the first time students are learning the passive voice grammar.

  • Comparison Competition

    Students compete to make the best sentence they can for an adjective. Grammar used includes ~er, ~est, more, most, and as ~ as.

  • Teacher's Childhood

    Students write many sentences to guess what various teacher's childhoods were like. This uses past tense ~ed (and irregular verbs, but not necessary).

  • More and Most Trivia Quiz

    A 15 question trivia quiz that uses only more and most. Students are in pairs and think then write and read their answers.

  • Comparing Pokemon

    An activity in which students compare pokemon. This can be used for any of the comparison or superlative grammars: ~er, ~est, more, most, as ~as.

  • Monster Hunter

    A review game in which students answer questions and hunt monsters. A very simply made powerpoint.

  • Movie Star

    Movie making activity to practice the relative pronoun "who." (Ex: He is a student who likes English.)

  • My Room

    A room drawing activity to practice the "There is / There are" grammar.

  • Airplane Crash

    An activity to practice the "There is / There are" grammar by having the students search an airplane crash site.

  • Fix the Sentence

    Students must correct sentences to review the Indirect Question grammar (Q-word + to or plain Q-word) and other grammar points. Ex: "I know how to make sushi." or "I know where the ALT lives."

  • Man Wrestling a Shark

    A picture to use for making reduced relative clause questions/sentences (ex. Where is the man wrestling a shark?)

  • Thief

    A game/activity to practice "Does" questions and answers.

  • Boston T Map

    A modified map, and powerpoint of the Boston T (train system in Boston) to practice New Horizon Daily Scene 4 - giving directions.

  • Save the Patient

    A short repetition activity to practice "Do I have to ~" and "Have to~." This activity might not work with classes larger than 25 students.

  • Emotion Dialogue

    A dialogue making activity to practice the "emotion + to infinitive" grammar (ex. "I was happy to hear that.")