
Two Truths and a Lie

Add some style to a classic game. Comes with a worksheet

Use the powerpoint to demonstrate how the game works using facts about yourself. Read them out and ask the students which one is the lie. When they make a guess, click on the sentence to see if they are correct. Once they are, move on to the next round. Play 3 or 4 times to give them an idea on how it works and then hand out the worksheet.

Give them time to fill it out with their own facts and then have them pair up and quiz each other or see if they can trick you, the ALT, and give them points every time you can't guess the lie

Small files
  • Two Truths and a Lie.docx (169 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Two truth. One line.pptx (10.5 MB)
  • 22
    Submitted by Lucasmh June 28, 2021 Estimated time: 10-25 min
    1. OdafromTaijima June 29, 2021

      I love the powerpoint the animation is FUN! Who is that character?

    2. Lucasmh June 30, 2021

      He is a character from Pheonix Wright

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