Introduce the sentence structure of " I want __________." and "How many?" using slide 3. The goal is to show the students the food they are making and the shadows of the food they need to finish the recipe.
Give them a few seconds to memorize what they need and how much and then go to the next slide to select the food. You can click on the food multiple times to get it to appear and reappear (super fun to do this fyi, given how cute the animation is). After they get it right, let the cooking slide play out until it shoots out of the pot and go to the next slide to show what they made
Repeat until you finish
Bon Appétit
This is class. Good work!
I love the use of music/sound effects!
Thank you jiggswalsh. There are so many good sound effects we can use to step up our ALT game
So true! The BBC have lots you can download for free. There are some great ones, but they sometimes need editing down as they can be quite long.
This is amazing!
Great powerpoint> It be great if making the correct number and food selection needed would move on to the cookingslide while making any mistakewould give a misson failed slide.