
ABC Monster

Creative activity using capital and lowercase to design a monster

I use this as a Halloween-themed lesson to get the kids thinking about upper and lowercase letters.

We talk about Henohenomoheji a face known to be drawn using hiragana characters, then I challenge the students to make a monster using upper and lowercase letters.

My "rules" are that they can use letters multiple times and that they also need to write it once in the bottom.

The kids enjoy being creative and showing off their monsters to their friends.

Submitted by OdafromTaijima October 19, 2021 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes
  1. MMarshall October 25, 2021

    Thanks for sharing! This looks like a lot of fun. I am looking forward to trying it with my grade four students.

  2. MinamiCat September 26, 2022

    Works great for my special needs class! I paired it with a Big/small alphabet matching game

  3. MinamiCat October 27, 2022

    I just did this with my 3 and 4 ES for Halloween and they think it's the coolest thing ever. We paired it with Unit 6 alphabet and did capital letters for 3 and small for 4. It takes about 25 minutes to explain and draw. After I made them practice, This is my monster. A,B,C etc

  4. taliwah October 11, 2023

    I tried out this activity with my 3rd graders and they loved it! Next class, we're planning on doing monster presentations in groups, so fingers crossed that it goes just as well! Thanks for sharing

  5. dandytree October 25, 2023

    My grade 4 kids loved this activity! They especially loved the examples!

  6. mangomomon October 26, 2023

    My 3rd grade kids loved it. So cool how creative they can be with letters. It gives them good practice to write them. I also made them write the monster’s name using the alphabet!

  7. lxxlxdhx December 8, 2023

    This was a great lesson that encourages creativity while still learning about the alphabet. Most of the 4th graders didn't know how to start but once they got the hang of it, it was so interesting to see what they came up with. Thank you for this!

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