
Robot Battles and Robot Racers

A quiz game and a pair of writing games for reduced relative pronouns


Fixed a few hyperlinks and the goal line in the race.


There are two writing activities. Writing Robot Battle and Robot Race. I'll use one or the other and not both. Robot battle is more of a game and is a bit more exciting but its made to work for classes that can be easily divided into two teams (for example 3 red groups and 3 blue groups) otherwise I'd use Robot Racers. It is less exciting as a game so I will generally give stickers when groups reach certain milestones. Depending on time maybe after 6 or 7 questions.


Most of my classes start with a one minute talk in pairs. The students are free to talk about whatever they like but we often use a key question as a starting point. ALT and JTE can demonstrate a conversation before the students talk.


This is a feud style quiz game. It should be played in rows. There should be three red rows and three blue rows. The first student in each row should stand up. The screen shows the key words. Let the first student who raises their hand make a sentence. If it is okay they pick one of the letters in their color. If it hits the enemy robot that team gets a point and the first row sits down. If it misses then another student has a chance to make a sentence. You can give other the color a few seconds to raise their hands first but if nobody does then the same color is fine. Once a robot is destroyed and everyone has sat down click on the key words to see an example answer and click on the answer to go to the next screen. There are twelve questions so each student should have two chances.

For this activity the ALT or the teacher should be controlling the tablet and the students can just call out what letter they want.


As I mentioned there are two of these. I'll use one or the other. I use a tablet for most of my activities. For the writing activities the students will click the buttons themselves and manage points. Teachers focus on checking answers and helping groups. They can be done with a computer but that means one teacher must man the computer and the other does the answer checks.


There is a demo screen. Click on the 1 or 2 button to show example key words and then on those key words to see an answer. Explain they should fill in the sentence and write a second sentence with more detail. Bring their answer to a teacher and then click on the box with their team character and after their character moves continue with the next question.

Odds are no group will reach goal so which ever group progresses the furthest is the winner. Your teacher may reward them points for their point cards or stickers or just a nice cheers.

I cut out the team cards and once they make groups a member from each can come up and pick a racer for their team.

If you click on goal there is a hyperlink that brings you to the game over slide.

The racers should have a wooshing sound when moving but I forgot to add it when I was making it and I'm too lazy to go back and add it. Maybe someday I'll go back and add it.


If there are an even number of groups I'll do this instead. It works pretty much the same as the quiz game. Students do the writing and show the teacher their answer then click on A,B,C in their color. If they blow up the enemy their color gets a point on the board and then click the next screen banner to continue the game.

If you click on the small advance arrow it goes to the game over slide. There are two boxes on that slide that will take you back into the game when a student clicks it by mistake. This always happens.

Small files
  • 3-06C ROBOT RACERS and BATTLES Worksheet 'reduced relative pronouns'.docx (208 KB)
  • 3-06C ROBOT RACERS CARDS.docx (444 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 3-06C ROBOT RACERS and BATTLES 'reduced relative pronouns'.pptx (19.6 MB)
  • 6
    Submitted by UonumaRobert November 10, 2021 Estimated time: Full Lesson
    1. rebvandev October 27, 2022

      I used the Robot Racers with the worksheet today. It was so fun! I used to draw a track on the board and use magnets, but the robot animations made it more interesting and fit in with Halloween. I have a question, though. What's the answer to number 8 on the worksheet (the Toyota one)?

    2. UonumaRobert October 27, 2022

      Glad your students liked it. I think the answer was ‘car made by’ but I should have used a few more ~ to make it clear there were more missing words. I think my students got it but it was awhile ago.

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