
Speaking Challenge - Grade Six

This is a speaking drill in preparation for the end of the semester Speaking Challenge. This can be done once a week or twice a month as a warm-up activity.

Divide the class into groups. Distribute the English card per group. Students choose one letter from the English card (E,N,G,L,I,S,H). Then call someone from the class or ask for a volunteer to choose a number from the given set (1,2,3,4,5). Each number has a corresponding question. Give the class a minute to think of the answer and another minute to practice with their group members. Then from the set of English card, choose one letter. This can be done by the HRT, the ALT or a student. The students in each group who got the same letter will be the one to recite and present in the class.

Small files
  • speaking drill.pptx (760 KB)
  • 2
    Submitted by chacha February 4, 2022 Estimated time: 5-10 mins.

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