Each activity would probably be around 15-20 mins
I have alphabet cards and I have been practicing sounds with them lately. Here are some activities that I have been using.
Kahoot 1 https://create.kahoot.it/share/easy-phonics-1/f25075ad-25f9-4712-a8fe-dded9b07d9f4
Simple sounds finding the first letter and a bit of typing featuring the words hop, fox, moss, hat, bed, dog, car, yak and rat.
Kahoot 2 https://create.kahoot.it/share/easy-phonics-2/55c68c4a-8352-44aa-a43a-8c9d64b12a22
First, few questions are time true and false. Then simple sounds and a bit of typing featuring the words trash, frog, jelly, vest, lips, net, nose and car.
Bingo (see attached file, made with https://myfreebingocards.com/)
Reading the words when called and having the kids find it on their own page.
Word list: bad, bat, bed, cat, crab, dad, dog, egg, fox, hat, hot, ink, jam, jar, jet, mud, nut, odd, pig, pot, sad, sun, sit, tree, van, wet, yak, yo-yo, zip
Sharing Kahoot decks is an excellent idea!